“Wherever my purpose takes me, I maintain clarity, consideration, and collaboration as my guiding principles. My client base of women leaders benefit from this structured holistic perspective”.
-— Bekkah Marshall, Dope Xennial, Trained Environmental Scientist, Certified Environmental Health Professional & Global Water Strategist
Certified Environmental Health Professional (CEHP), Trained Environmental Scientist, Global Water Strategist, Speaker, Instructor and Dope Xennial
Bekkah Marshall, CEHP is a Certified Environmental Health Professional with a focus on waterborne disease prevention, trained as an Environmental Scientist specializing in Water Quality and Treatment, and a Global Water Strategist serving on projects aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6 – Water Quality & Sanitation and Women in Water. She has over 20 years experience in environmental and water research, regulatory assessments and policy. She is currently a global independent consultant providing expertise on community-wide water projects. Her years of experience position her to structure solutions from an integrated perspective. This is accomplished through her 3'Cs solution-centered approach which prioritizes clarity, consideration of people and the planet, and collaborative progress.